Greeley Students,

At the opening of this year, I spoke to you about responsibility and how Greeley, with its open schedule, its opportunities, and its choices, allows students a great deal of autonomy. What is so powerful about this responsibility is that it gives you real power and agency to make decisions about your education and nurture personal independence. In deciding how you will collaborate with classmates, how you will engage your teachers, and how you will spend your free time, you are practicing how to succeed in school, in relationships, and in life. Thank you for rising to this expectation and for contributing to an amazing year together.

This has also been a year of transitions: ever shifting construction spaces; the opening of Whole Foods; a new fitness center; new security protocols; and my first year as principal.

Through all of these changes, I have been impressed by your patience, resilience, and innovative ideas. You waited in the traffic jam on the J-Building bridge and on long cafeteria lines. At the very least, I hope that by the time you are reading this letter, you have finished waiting for our library to reopen.

Amid the disruption of the construction, you found and created your own spaces to study and socialize: the Academic Commons, the rotunda, the auditorium lobby, the small hallway in Lower L, and two tents, now gone, one lost to the tornado and one lost to snow.

I cannot help but think that this exercise in finding and creating space for yourselves is significant. Through these small acts of owning these spacesa triangular skylight, you have transformed empty hallways, stairways, nooks, ledges, and benches into the setting for a significant part of our story this year. These are the spaces where you learned the secrets of trigonometry, the history of our world, and where you strengthened friendships.

To the class of 2019, this evolution of space must be bittersweet. You have endured the disruption of construction but will leave before enjoying the results. Ironically, your class may have stronger memories of these spaces-yet-to-be, since through your final year here, you witnessed the transformation. You may be the last class to have really known the "old" Greeley. I look forward to welcoming you back to visit your school (for Greeley will always be your school), so you can see what Greeley has become. Know that, in your own way, you have worked to pass on a newer and revitalized Greeley to future students.

To the classes of 2020, 2021, and 2022, it has been my pleasure to be your principal this year and I look forward to your return in September.

To all of our students: I have been impressed with your thoughtfulness, your support for each other, your achievements, and your laughter. I want to thank you for your warm welcome. In so many ways. I feel like this year was a return home.

Mr. Corsilia